The neighborhood of San Basilio, also known as Alcázar Viejo, is dominated by the medieval Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos and its terraced gardens. Visitors stroll through the area's flowery, tiled courtyards, filled with blue pots and ornamental plants. It is here that the most typical and famous courtyards of the city are located, with streets and balconies adorned with flowers, especially showy in spring.

A Neighborhood with History and Emblematic Courtyards

Route through the Courtyards of San Basilio

We propose a route through the most beautiful courtyards in our
city, especially the ones you will have right next to your apartment. Since 1921, the famous Festival de los Patios Cordobeses magnifies this characteristic element of Cordoba. The boundaries of the courtyards are marked by the designations of corral, "scooter" or courtyard, orchard, park or garden. The socalled Patios of Cordoba are mainly located in San Basilio, Santa Marina, San Lorenzo, La Magdalena and the Jewish Quarter, as well as the Viana palace which houses twelve courtyards inside.



(Click on the image to view)

Apartamentos en Los Patios de San Basilio ruta san basilio
Apartamentos en Los Patios de San Basilio calle con caballo y jinete

Origin of the Patios of Cordoba

The Cordovan courtyard is a characteristic element of the Andalusian city of Cordoba, Spain, and since 1921 it has been magnified with the famous Festival of the Cordoba Patios, declared a World Heritage Site in 2012. Courtyards are an essential part of the dwellings, from the courtyard of the Mosque- Cathedral to the tiniest courtyards, each with its own personality and style. The boundaries between yards and other areas such as corrals, scooters, orchards, parks or gardens are marked by different designations.

The Patios of Cordoba are mainly located in the neighborhoods
of San Basilio, Santa Marina, San Lorenzo, La Magdalena and in the Jewish quarter of the city. In addition, lesser-known areas such as the neighborhoods of Santiago, San Pedro and El Realejo are also home to these charming corners. The Viana Palace is another highlight, with its twelve courtyards that show the beauty and diversity of this Cordovan tradition.

Things to see in Cordoba

Cordoba, one of the most beautiful cities in Spain, is full of monuments and places to see and things to do. Unique monuments, squares, alleys, Roman remains, festivals and exquisite gastronomy await you in one of the 15 cities declared World Heritage Sites in Spain.

Apartamentos en Los Patios de San Basilio cordoba

We offer you a list of monuments to visit in our


Mosque‐Cathedral of Cordoba: A place where Gothic, Baroque,
Renaissance and Mudejar styles merge in a unique monument in
the world. Its Patio de los Naranjos welcomes you with its beauty.


Medina‐Azahara: This archaeological site, located 8 kilometres
from the city centre, was the centre of power of the Caliphate of
Cordoba. The Rich Hall is a highlight that showcases the beauty of
this ancient city.

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos: A historic fortress where the
Catholic Monarchs spent several years during the campaign
against the Kingdom of Granada. It was also the place where
Christopher Columbus asked for help for his voyage to America.

Puente Romano: One of the most beautiful bridges in Spain and a
hallmark of Cordoba. It is part of a classic picture of the city next
to the Guadalquivir River and the Mosque-Cathedral in the

Plaza de la Corredera: Nerve centre and one of the most
beautiful squares in Spain, perfect for enjoying the local cuisine.


The Jewish Quarter: A network of narrow, twisting streets that
make up the charming Jewish quarter of Cordoba. Perfect for
getting lost in its corners.

Calleja de las Flores: A narrow, photographed street, flanked by white buildings and flower pots. It offers an iconic view of the minaret of the Mosque-Cathedral.

Plaza de Capuchinos (Christ of the Lanterns): A magical corner with the famous Christ of the Lanterns and the church of the convent of the Capuchin Fathers.

Calahorra Tower: A defensive tower of Arab origin that offers
panoramic views of the Roman Bridge and the Mosque-Cathedral.
The Wall and its Gates: Remnants of the wall that surrounded the city, now converted into pleasant promenades decorated with
fountains and flowers.

Viana Palace: A spectacular palace with 12 courtyards and a beautiful garden that showcases the historical and cultural richness of Cordoba.

Church of Santa Marina: One of the eight Fernandine churches
that show the legacy of the city after the reconquest. The Church
of Santa Marina, in the Plaza del Conde de Priego, is an emblematic


These are just some of the places you can't miss when visiting Cordoba. Each offers a unique perspective on the history and culture of this Andalusian city.

Apartamentos en Los Patios de San Basilio cordoba

To visit Cordoba is to immerse yourself in a world of history,
culture and beauty. From the iconic Patios de San Basilio to the
majestic Mosque-Cathedral, this Andalusian city offers an
unforgettable experience. Discover its charming corners and let
yourself be captivated by its gastronomy and unique atmosphere.

You can take routes of our beautiful patios located throughout
the historic center of our city. Ask us and we'll tell you which
ones are the most visited.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Explore the Courtyards: Discover the Courtyards of San Basilio and their unique charm.

¡Visit Cordoba!